Community-based nutrition educators can come to an agency or individual homes to provide research based nutrition education at no cost.
What is the Wisconsin Nutrition Education Program?
The Wisconsin Nutrition Education Program (WNEP) is made up of 2 federally-funded nutrition education programs: Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Education (SNAP-Ed). WNEP is a UW-Extension nutrition education program that helps limited resource families and individuals: Choose healthful diets and be physically active. Handle food safely to avoid food-borne illness. Become more food secure by planning how to spend their food dollars, planning meals, and using thrifty food shopping practices.
Who Can Participate?
The programs are available to families and individuals within established guidelines. This includes, but is not limited to, families who are eligible for: the QUEST card (food stamps/FoodShare), WIC, Wisconsin Works (W-2), Head Start, Free or Reduced Price School Meals, SSI or SSDI. Visits and materials are free.
How Does it Work?
Community-based nutrition educators can come to an agency or individual homes to provide research based nutrition education at no cost. Classes are available in English, Spanish, and Hmong.
Who can I Contact for more Information?
Contact your Lorem county Nutrition educator:
E.L Luther
Nutrition educator focusing on food safety, high quality foods, and nutrition on a budget.