Welcome to Lorem County 4-H!
4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills.
For more than a century, Wisconsin has been leader in 4-H, giving young people throughout the state an opportunity to learn new skills, gain self-confidence and contribute to their communities. Using real-life experiences from a team of devoted educators and volunteers, 4-H members benefit from leadership training, community-building experiences and experiential-learning opportunities to better their own lives and the lives of the people around them.
The wide array of 4-H programs enriches the lives of participants and their families and strengthens Wisconsin’s communities through volunteer service, civic involvement and leadership development.
What do 4-H members do?

4-H kids participate in dozens of different kinds of projects
4-H clubs have regular meetings and officers, but that is just the start. 4-H members get involved in their communities as volunteers and youth leaders. They learn new things by completing dozens of different kinds of projects, going on trips, having parties, hosting international students, participating in local government, experimenting with science, making art, going to camp, learning to canoe or taking care of an animal.
The list seems almost endless. With so many choices, 4-H is what you want it to be.
Join 4-H
Anyone who is in third grade to one year past high school graduation can be in 4-H. Younger children can join 4-H as Cloverbuds. Cloverbuds are in first or second grade. Some counties may offer Cloverbud membership to 5 year old Kindergartners.
It is easy to be part of 4-H. Just call or email…
For more information about 4-H and all the exciting opportunities, checkout our most recent posts:
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